
Bind to drop bombs in CS:GO

Бинд на дроп бомбы в КС 2

It happens that the game situation on the map requires an almost instantaneous drop of a bomb on the ground or a teammate. With the help of a specially installed bind, it will be possible to drop a bomb while playing on the side of the terrorists, without even switching to the appropriate slot, which means saving time and keeping focus on the sight. For the bind to work, you only need to enter it into the console and press the selected key. In this article, we will look at the most common varieties.

Bind to drop bombs in CS:GO

The classic version of this bind operates on the principle of “one click – one reset”.

 bind b "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; slot1"

// Standard usage on b
// If necessary, replace b with another button 

Bind to quick drop bomb with chat message

This is a complete copy of the previous bind, but with a very important addition, which consists in informing teammates about the location of the explosive package drop via the game chat.

 bind b "use weapon_knife; use weapon_c4; drop; say_team I HAVE DROPPED THE BOMB"

// Standard usage on b
// If necessary, replace b with another button
// In addition to dropping the bomb, the bind will write a chat message about it 

All top binds here →

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