
Binds CSGO cheat teams

Бинды читерские команды CS 2

Bind to noclip in CS GO

There are so-called “cheat” binds in the CS, we will consider them in the framework of this material. Despite the possible confusion of some players, the nominally cheating noclip command is often used even by professionals, because it allows you to move very quickly across the map space on your dedicated server during team or personal training. Also, no one can prohibit the use of this team to bring “zest” in friendly matches. To implement the command, as always, you need to enter it through the game console by selecting the appropriate button.

 bind p "sv_cheats 1; noclip" OR bind p "noclip"

// Standard usage on p
// If necessary, replace p with another button
// Can only be used on private servers (sv_cheats 1) 

Bind drawothermodels

This command and its bind are the actual analogue of the well-known forbidden wallhack programs, which allow you to see opponents and teammates through walls or various game obstacles. With its help, backaches and other skill moments are often trained.

 bind j "sv_cheats 1; toggle r_drawothermodels 1 2"

// Standard usage on j
// If necessary, replace j with another button
// Can only be used on private servers (sv_cheats 1) 

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