
Binds to increase the volume of steps

Бинды на увеличение громкости шагов

Bind to steps

An important nuance – for correct operation, it must be in eutoxec. The essence of this bind is to significantly increase the volume level of the steps of opponents and teammates in the game when you press the “Shift” key. This eliminates the need to separately go into the settings and increase the sound level. It is most useful when playing clutch situations. For the bind to work, it is enough to hammer it into the game console and press the corresponding button.

Bind to the volume of steps

Most often, players prefer to use the “Shift” key for the CS:GO bind in question, but no one forbids choosing a more suitable and convenient button.

 alias +incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 0.5;+speed";
alias -incvol "incrementvar volume 0 2 -0.5;-speed";
bind SHIFT+incvol

// The sound will increase when you use SHIFT 

Binds to increase the volume of steps through the keys

Using this variation of the command, you can quickly change the current volume level, lowering or raising it, depending on the situation on the map.

 bind [ "incrementvar volume 0 10 -0.1";
bind ] "incrementvar volume 0 10 0.1"

// [ - Lowers the sound in the game
// ] - Increase the sound in the game
// If necessary, these buttons can be changed 

All top binds here →

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