In the recent CS:GO update, which was released in February 2022, the developers added a new map – Crete. Now it is available to everyone in partner mode. As conceived by the authors, the events take place on an Asian island. According to legend, the terrorists decided to attack and destroy a valuable building, which is of high value to antique dealers and lovers of antiquity. In turn, representatives of the CT side are making every effort to thwart their insidious plans.
Positions, designations on the map Crete CS:GO
Even a cursory glance at the map is enough to understand that defense is the dominant side. The CT respawn is very close to the bombsite, and the geometry of the map is conducive to knocking out an already planted bomb. It is difficult for an attack to take almost any action, which means that you will have to make a lot of efforts to successfully take control of the point.
Smoky on Crete CS:GO map
It is important to note that all the grenades below are thrown exclusively in tick rate 64. This is due to the fact that the map is available exclusively in the official MM. Also note that for guaranteed success when throwing a grenade from a jump, you need to use the following bind on Jumpthrow. To do this, enter into the console: bind “your button” “+jump; -attack; -attack2; -jump”.
Smoke from jumper, thrown from Jumpthrow.
Smoke cuts off the arch, throws A+Jumpthrow.
Smoke to close windows, thrown from Jumpthrow.
How to play the Crete card
Acting as the defending side, you should concentrate on recapturing at least one of the entrances to the bombing site. It is very important to constantly win back in close communication with a partner. Without this, it will be impossible to achieve an advantage at the expense of the initially occupied positions.
When it’s time to switch to the attacking side, it’s better to practice splits, combining mid and long passes. This way it will be more difficult to shoot you when entering the point.
In fact, this is a fairly simple card, which means there is no need to know and use a large number of chips. In most cases, the key to success lies in constant and competent communication, allowing you to quickly transfer important information between allies.