Initially, the standard control settings are set in the CS:GO game. This is to ensure that players don’t spend a lot of time assigning a button to each individual action they take. At the same time, many users refuse to make any changes, getting used to the original layout. To some extent, this is even the right and convenient solution, because it allows you to join the game on any computer without unnecessary movements, making adjustments only to the sensitivity of the mouse. In this article, we will look at the CS GO keys and what exactly they are responsible for according to the initial idea of the developers.
How to walk in CS:GO
To move around the map, the following set of keys is offered, which are responsible for the direction:
W – move forward;
A – move to the left;
S – move backwards;
D – move right.
How to walk slowly in CS:GO
In addition to standard walking, the game has a special “quiet” mode that allows you to slowly but imperceptibly sneak up on the enemy. To do this, press the following buttons:
W + Shift – move slowly forward;
A + Shift – move slowly to the left;
S + Shift – move backward slowly;
D + Shift – move slowly to the right.
How to crouch in CS:GO
In order for the game character to crouch, you must press and hold the Ctrl key. At the same time, if it is not enough to take just a static position to solve the problem, you can start moving by combining Ctrl with the keys responsible for walking:
W + Ctrl – crouch and move forward;
A + Ctrl – crouch and move left;
S + Ctrl – crouch and move backwards;
D + Ctrl – crouch and move right.
How to jump in CS:GO
As in many other games, you can make a jump in CS using the largest key on the keyboard – the spacebar. But it’s not enough just to jump on the spot, because with a jump you will be able to overcome obstacles and perch on a hill. To do this, set the direction of the jump using the movement buttons.
How to shoot in CS:GO
To open fire from a weapon taken from the hand, it is enough to use one (left) mouse button.
How to aim in CS:GO
Some weapons in the CS are additionally equipped with aiming aids. To switch to aiming mode, press the right mouse button. When pressed again, we return to the usual mode with a cross.
How to raise weapons in CS:GO
Some players are used to picking up weapons just by walking past them, as was the case in all previous versions of the CS. But in GO, the developers improved this mechanic by adding the ability to pick up weapons that are at a certain distance by pressing the “E” key.
How to drop weapons in CS:GO
During the round, a situation may arise when it is necessary to discard the device in hand. This can be done with any firearm, bomb, and grenades, but not with a knife. Just press the “G” key.
How to reload weapons in CS:GO
When the magazine is completely empty, the weapon reloads automatically. If the player uses a certain amount of ammunition and wants to put a new store, just press the “R” button.
How to switch weapons in CS:GO
Initially, the player has three different ways to switch between weapons in the inventory. First of all, it is scrolling the mouse wheel back and forth. Also, each slot has its own number key. So 1 is the main weapon, 2 is a pistol, 3 is a knife, 4-8 are grenades and a bomb. The third way allows you to switch between two recently used weapons.
How to inspect weapons in CS:GO
The developers have not in vain added a large number of bright and beautiful skins to the game. To inspect your new purchase, enjoying the picture from different angles – press the “F” button.
How to buy weapons in CS:GO
Weapons are purchased through a special menu before the round and 20 seconds after pressing it. Press “B” to open the menu.
How to enable autobuy in CS:GO
If a player does not want to choose devices for smoking on his own, he can trust CS:GO. By pressing F3, he allows the game to independently select weapons, based on the amount of money currently available.
How to quickly buy the previous weapon in CS:GO
The game remembers the purchase of the player in the previous round. And if the financial situation allows, you can repeat the previous purchase by pressing just one key – F4. This often saves a lot of valuable time that could be spent discussing the plan for the round.
How to change team in CS:GO
When playing on dedicated servers, it is possible to choose or change the team that the user plays for. To go to the selection menu, press “M”.
How to apply graffiti in CS:GO
To call up the graffiti menu, hold down the “T” key and select the picture you like from those available in the inventory, then release the key. Now all that remains is to enjoy the pattern that remains on the surface of the card until the very end of the match. Note that if automatic graffiti is disabled, you will have to additionally press the left mouse button.
How to enable scoreboard in CS:GO
In the course of each match, all players gain kills, points, damage and other statistics. To find out your results and compare them with others, hold down “TAB”. This will open the leaderboard.
How to open a general or team chat in CS:GO
When a round is played in the minority or there is simply no desire to distract the players in your team from the process, you can use the team chat by pressing the “U” button. You can also always share your impressions of the game with the enemy by writing something in the general chat, calling it “Y”.
How to turn on the microphone in CS:GO
Maintaining communication during the game is very important. To activate the microphone and give information to teammates, you need to hold down the “K” button.
How to put a tag in CS:GO
Any object on the map can be quickly marked by clicking on the mouse wheel.
How to enable the chat wheel in CS:GO
A special chat wheel was provided for quick communication during intense gaming moments. With it, you can not only send a certain remark to the team chat, but also make the game character voice it in English. In the basic settings, you need to press Z and C to call the chat wheel.