Map Scenario
According to the scenario, the representatives of the terrorist side were able to penetrate the 39th floor of the huge Elysion center in order to blow up one of the weak points of the building with the help of explosives. Fortunately, all the people managed to evacuate and the floor is completely ready for the anti-terrorist operation.
The map became available for download from the workshop on August 26, 2020. Even at the development stage, it received 9 significant updates designed to fix a number of bugs and make some changes to the gameplay component. The game was developed by a player from the Netherlands using the nickname Big_SG21. It must be emphasized that he did all the work himself.
Appearance of the map
The map is dominated by white colors. Given the modern decor of the premises, it looks the most advantageous. Yes, in some rooms there are flower beds and other green vegetation, but it only further emphasizes the surrounding whiteness.
Map geometry
In terms of geometry, the map is very simple. There is nothing superfluous in the layout, some complex corridors, descents, ascents, tunnels and so on. Because of this, it turns out to almost constantly maintain visual contact with the enemy. But you need to take into account the fact that the map is designed to play in the “Partners” mode, and therefore its dimensions should not have been too large.
Symbols and positions in Russian
Game strategy
- When playing as the T side, one should not forget that opponents from the CT will be able to get to the toilet much faster.
- You need to move along the street very carefully – there is a possibility of falling down.
- You can also fall into the abyss behind the railings on the mid lane.
- About 90% of events take place in enclosed spaces, so you need to be very careful when using grenades, especially HE and Molotov ones.
- CT from the reception can effectively control the entrance from the street to the site.
- When entering the bombsite, be sure to check the position behind the pillar, you can often find the enemy there.
- It is also common to find a gardener hiding behind a post.
- Remember that you can climb into the flower bed. That is, you need to use this position yourself and check for the presence of the enemy there.
- CT players must check the lounge without fail, otherwise they can expose their backs to the hidden opponents.
We have collected some grenades that will allow you to more effectively control what is happening on the map.
Smoke on the waist
To get the desired result, you need to stand close to the corner and aim the sight exactly as in the attached screen. With the help of this smoke, it is possible to cut off the opponent’s view of the exit from the street.
Smoke on the right side of the site
To throw, you need to take the same position as in the previous case, but the sight will have to be set a little lower. Its task is to close the constriction to the site. In theory, you can easily go under this smoke and immediately plant a bomb.
Smoke mid, to go to the toilet
You need to stand in front of the beam (as in the screenshot) and aim at the desired point. An important nuance – when throwing, you need to simultaneously press the right and left mouse buttons. Only in this case it will be possible to throw the correct smoke, and it will not fly over the desired point, ideally closing the mid. Just keep in mind that it will not be possible to close the position behind the tree with its help.
Mid Instant
If an enemy is waiting for you outside the door, he will not have time to react to dodge this flash drive. The player will only have to make a well-aimed shot and chalk up a frag.
Instant when leaving the toilet
Before using this flash drive, you need to be one hundred percent sure that there is no opponent nearby, because you will have to expose your unprotected back to the toilet. If everything is done correctly, then the grenade explodes immediately after it flies out of the doorway. This means that dodging it will be as difficult as possible.
Instant on the street
This is a very simple but very effective flash drive. With its help, you can blind the enemy waiting for you behind the flower bed.
The card in question can definitely be called very beautiful and pleasant in terms of design. It is safe to say that many players will like the style chosen by the developer. The layout elements are arranged in such a way that the opponents have a minimum number of chances to pass to the rear or attack from behind cover. This is probably a conscious bet on an active and contact game. We recommend trying this map with friends – it will be much more fun.